
The Business Environmental Resource Center (BERC) is dedicated to helping businesses succeed and enhance environmental quality by providing trusted non-regulatory compliance assistance with extraordinary customer service.Sacramento County
BERC has helped businesses of all types:
- Hazardous materials and waste generators
- Retail food facilities (of all types)
- Body art and piercing permitting
- Sewer impact fees, discharge permitting and regulation
- Recycling and organic waste implementation
- Storm water compliance
- Air quality permitting and regulation
How can BERC help?
- Comprehensive permitting and regulatory support
- Best management practice implementation
- Site specific business consultations
- Multi-agency coordination
- Regulatory liaison

Sustainable Business Program
Celebrating excellence in eco-friendly business practices in Sacramento County since 2006.
Why certify sustainable?
Many community members consider sustainable business practices as positively impactful and support these initiatives.
Business Incentives
- Sponsored participation at no cost to the business owner.
- Exclusive educational opportunities, access to business rebates, incentives, and networking opportunities amongst the Sustainable Business Community.
- Marketing toolkit including Sustainable Business window cling, digital marketing kit, and certificate of achievement.
- Business promotion and recognition through Sacramento County, BERC marketing tools and social media.
- Conserving resources can lead to secondary cost savings and energy incentives.
- Sponsored early-bird invitation to the Sustainable Business Awards ceremony and eligibility for nomination of the Sustainable Business of the Year Award.