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SMUD Resources for Businesses

Two people in front of industrial equipment with text: "We're here to help" about energy savings and clean energy solutions.
Four people holding food, promoting SMUD's SEED vendor program for small businesses.

Business solutions

Our programs and services are designed with you in mind.

Find your advisor

Your personal account advisor helps you find efficient and reliable energy solutions.

Manage your energy

Our tools help you make smart business decisions.


Explore our rebates and incentives to save your business money.

Green business 

We offer convenient, affordable ways to support clean energy.

SMUD offers a variety of clean energy options for your business 

Solar for your business

Make your business energy efficient with solar power. 

Electric vehicles

SMUD offers special rates for businesses that install EV chargers.


Choose more renewable sources for your power.

Smart Homes

Builders and contractors offer incentives for building energy-efficient homes.

Commercial SolarShares®

SMUD offers a cost-effective solar solution to meet your business and sustainability goals.


Design & construction services

We can help you connect to SMUD's electric system for projects like adding an electric vehicle charger, creating your dream home or building a sports arena.

Interconnection information

Get details for interconnecting with SMUD's electric system if you want to generate some or all of your own power.

PowerDirect® program

PowerDirect can help you run your business more efficiently by integrating automated response capabilities into your energy management, lighting and HVAC systems. 

Power quality support

Our experts can walk through your facility to identify potential energy issues.

Business education

SMUD offers free workshops and energy experts to educate you on current and new energy topics.

Ask an energy expert

Speak one-on-one with an energy expert about green energy building, emerging energy or solar technologies, HVAC and lighting for your business. Contact us at 1-916-732-6738 or email us.

Custom business presentations

A representative from our Community Education & Technology Center can speak to your employees about new technologies, connected devices and how to save energy at work and at home. To schedule a custom business presentation or to speak to an energy expert, call 1-916-732-6738 or email us.   

Business Energy Advisor

Our Business Energy Advisor website is a library of up-to-date energy advice, best practices, short and long-term solutions, case studies and more. Find information specific to your industry or technology.

City skyline at dusk with illuminated buildings and a deep blue sky in the background.


Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Startup businesses and new technologies are vital to creating an inclusive, zero-carbon economy.*

That’s why we collaborate with local organizations that offer training, maker spaces, networking and mentorship to startups. We encourage you to connect with us, or our partners and resources listed below:

For more information, email Franklin Burris.

*Small businesses have been called the “lifeblood of the U.S. economy,” accounting for close to half of U.S. economic activity and the creation of two-thirds of net new jobs. (U.S. Small Business Administration)

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