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 Bobbie Harris Transformational Coaching

Term: Proud Member since 2025
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"Bobbie has a heart of gold and is dedicated to truly listening to your needs. She offers valuable insights and thoughtful suggestions to support your growth. With her guidance, you'll have everything you need to thrive!"
Jen via Website

Bobbie Harris Transformational Coaching: Where ambitious single women become their own heroes. Dive into financial freedom with a guide who offers truth, accountability, and a non-judgment zone. Ready for transformation? Commit to your growth and let's achieve your goals together!

I work one-on-one with people to determine the best plan to achieve financial freedom. People have different ideas of what that means to them, and we work together to build a plan that suits their needs and achieves their goals. 

How We Got Started

When I was 41, sitting at the computer paying bills, I could not understand why every month we were upside down. Why was this happinging? We made good money and had good jobs. I didn't even have a plan to save for college and my daugther was 10 years old at the time. I knew we needed help. I did some research and got on a plan to tackle managing money and eliminating debt. In seven years, I led my family from a net worth of $110k to $1.2 million. We paid off our house in just eight years. I want to help others learn there is another path.

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