Better Business Bureau
![White torch logo with "BBB" letters on a blue background.](
"Before there was Yelp or Google reviews there was always the BBB... it’s the first place people go to when looking for ‘reliability’ and ‘trust’ before doing business with a company."Matt via BBB Website
BBB’s mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. We do this by
- Setting standards for marketplace trust
- Encouraging and supporting best practices by engaging with and educating consumers and businesses
- Celebrating marketplace role models
- Calling out and addressing substandard marketplace behavior
- Creating a community of trustworthy businesses
BBB sees trust as a function of two primary factors – integrity and performance. Integrity includes respect, ethics, intent, and working toward a diverse, inclusive and equitable marketplace. Performance speaks to a business’s track record of delivering results in accordance with BBB standards and/or addressing customer concerns in a timely, satisfactory manner.