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2/28/25 Sacramento County: Online Building Permit System Upgrades Coming Soon!

Online building permit system upgrades coming soon, Sacramento County; features ladder, hard hat, and traffic cone.

Article Date: Friday, February 28, 2025

Sacramento County is making significant improvements to its Accela online permitting system, enhancing transparency and efficiency for residents and businesses navigating the building permit process. As part of these upgrades, the building permit portal will be temporarily unavailable from March 15 – 19, 2025. Additionally, the County’s in-person Building Assistance Center will be closed to the public from March 17 – 19, 2025, while our staff is hard at work implementing these improvements.


Accela is the County’s online permitting and development management system, allowing residents, contractors and developers to apply for building permits, track project progress and communicate with County staff. The upcoming improvements will provide users with greater insight into their project status, including:


  • Identification of which plan reviewers their project has been assigned to
  • Estimated completion dates for plan reviews
  • Real-time updates on review status


Additionally, customers will benefit from all plan review comments being consolidated into a single letter, streamlining the response process and improving communication between design teams and reviewers.


“These upgrades to Accela are designed to improve overall efficiency and clarity for our customers,” said Troy Givans, Director of the Sacramento County Community Development Department. “By offering better visibility into project status and a more user-friendly review process, we are making it easier for customers to navigate the permitting system and get their projects moving forward.”


While the Building portal of Accela is offline, customers will be unable to submit new building permit applications or access existing project details. The County advises residents and businesses to plan accordingly and complete any time-sensitive transactions before March 15. During this planned outage, residents will still be able to schedule inspections, they simply need to call (916) 875-5296 and press 0 to speak with a representative. 



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